It is generally accepted that dreams of a beautiful wedding and a cozy family life are popular among young ladies. However, the latest research shows that marriage is also desirable and necessary for the strong half of humanity. Love has no boundaries, and the rising statistics of marriages of Russian or Ukrainian women with citizens of other states confirms this. What makes Slavic brides so popular all over the world?
1. Slavic beauty is not a myth

It cannot be said that Slavic women from brides4love are the most beautiful in the world. Because beauty is a relative concept and depends on the taste preferences and aesthetic worldview of each person. But they are not lazy and reckless: they try to get the most out of their natural beauty. They even go to the store wearing makeup if they know that on the way, they can meet acquaintances on whom they need to make a good impression.
But any foreign guest will confirm that such a number of beauties as in Russia, Ukraine or other Eastern European countries cannot be found anywhere else. Since ancient times, these lands were located between the West and the East, perhaps because the attractive appearance of local women combines sophisticated European and expressive Asian features.
2. Modesty and patience have also been developed historically
Strong traditions of the past, for instance, the principles of rigidly patriarchal family life, still influence the worldview of modern girls. Foreign men have long missed the feeling of being the head of the family, breadwinner, and support. Tolerance towards other cultures and religions is also considered a positive development.
3. Intelligence

The intellectual abilities of Slavic ladies amaze potential suitors. The fact that a woman is ready to learn a foreign language as soon as possible for the sake of love deserves respect. Slavs read a lot and have excellent erudition.
4. Family-oriented beauties
Slavic women have a more conservative upbringing, they are more focused on family life, and Western ladies are more independent and have already tortured their men with feminism. It is customary among Slavic peoples to take care of a man and a family. Therefore, foreign men willingly marry young Slavic women who want to start a family right now.
5. Love for children

It is the first place for Slavic women. They consider motherhood to be the best period of life, and for the sake of a child, they are ready for almost anything. Foreign husbands will not need to look for a nanny for a son or daughter, a young mother is ready to cope with everything on her own.
6. The culinary skills
They are developed in Slavic beauties from childhood. East Slavic, West Slavic, and South Slavic cuisine are very diverse and unique. In all corners of the planet, overseas husbands appreciate homemade dishes prepared by Slavic wives.
7. Consent to move abroad

As a rule, it is present immediately. Unfortunately, the standard of living in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and other neighboring countries is significantly inferior to Western European or American ones. Foreign suitors often rely on the desire of Slavic girls to find themselves in a richer state.
Even a year of living abroad changes a person irrevocably. Abroad, the standard of living is still higher when it comes to Europe and the United States. People get used to it and do not want to go back to the worst. Perhaps that is why many Slavic women want to live in another country, in particular, by marrying a foreigner.
Why do Slavic women always stand out from the crowd?
Even abroad, Slavic women always stand out from the crowd. Foreigners call them attractive and dream of finding a Slavic wife. Not all, but many. Why is this happening? How do they attract attention?
Slavic girls attract foreigners with their beauty and well-groomed appearance. In Eastern Europe, there are other standards and requirements for beauty. If in Ukraine or Russia almost every girl does their nails, then not all European women will spend money and time on this. Foreigners notice that Slavic women almost always look gorgeous.

Living abroad
The need to compete fiercely for men, instability in the country, sometimes on the brink of survival, made Slavic ladies competitive. Competition stimulates action. It is known that a woman does not apply makeup for a man, but for herself, to look not just good, but better than other women. And in a competitive environment — to look gorgeous.
Habits remain with Slavic women. Therefore, even abroad, somewhere in Europe or America, when Western women go to a shopping center with nude makeup and comfortable shoes, Slavic girls emphasize their lips with bright lipsticks and put on high heels. Accordingly, they look bright. Some people like it, others call it out of place. But in any case, it attracts attention.
Most of the Slavic girls who have ever been abroad or met foreign guests in their city caught their caring glances. Outwardly, the Slav girl is refined, like a French woman. Even if she doesn’t manage to buy clothes according to the latest fashions, she will still dress to impress somehow. She will tie a scarf, for instance.
Vivid temper
The character of a person is inseparable from habits and worldview. By temperament, they are not phlegmatic. Even if she is not as noisy as Italian ladies, then, in any case, emotional. Lively emotions are always attractive. They are associated with sincerity.
A Slavic woman has always had fewer rights than a Slavic man. She was genetically accustomed to obedience. Although times have changed, morals have become liberal, but the docility in the character of the Slavic beauties remains — the quality that is necessary for creating a strong family. Also, those who are not spoiled by life are not very whimsical. They do not demand much, they are easy to please and to wonder.
The bottom line
The decision to marry a citizen of another state will completely change your life. Trying to please the newly-made spouse in everything, matching their image of an ideal partner, do not forget about your own interests and rights. Finding a life partner, first of all, listen to your heart, then any union is destined to become happy.