8 Components for Happiness in a Strong Couple

No relationship in real life could be called ideal. This is more good than bad since overcoming adversity involves growth, change, and improvement. All the experience that you now have is overcome difficulties and resolved problems from the past, so you should not avoid them, but thank them for the knowledge gained. The only essential condition for a relationship is harmony. With its help, you can easily and simply overcome difficulties on the path to happiness.

If your relationship is emotionally unstable, if you constantly feel that something is going wrong, this is not a reason for panic, but a reason for the analysis. Relationship issues involve two of you. If you are confident in the correctness of your actions and behavior, and your partner is exactly the person who is to blame for your misunderstandings, you are mistaken. To build a harmonious relationship with your partner from Ladadate, get outside a problem, and achieve harmony together, you have to understand what the relationship consists of.

1. Trust blindly

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Even if people have betrayed you many times, you should trust the new partner. Even if you are sure that only sorrow and regrets will follow, this is the only sure way to happiness. Opening your heart and baring your soul is very venturous since, after disappointment, people usually become callous. You cannot fit all people under one rule, and if you just haven’t met a worthy partner before, they will definitely appear in your life if you can remain open.

2. Firm Support

In any situation, you need to support the chosen one. You may disagree with them, their behavior or way of thinking may not coincide with yours, but your approval is not required. It is crucial to support your partner as a person. Be in the same boat with them, no matter the circumstances. Otherwise, both people feel lonely, even being in a relationship.

3. Importance of Recognition

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Recognition is an integral part of a harmonious union. As a rule, over time, everything that so admired you before, which infatuated and fascinated you becomes familiar and unnoticeable. But your partner is still witty, kind, well-read, and deep. It usually happens that when we worry about ourselves, we stop noticing the successes of loved ones. We forget to value them and even start competing with them. For a harmonious relationship, it is crucial to learn to enjoy your partner’s achievements like your own.

4. Transparency of Intentions

It is impossible to build a harmonious relationship without knowing what you want from yourself or your partner. But honesty comes to the rescue. You have to share your thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions, and say exactly what you think.

Scientists from Minnesota have found that one of the crucial components of a happy marriage is the absence of harboring grudges. Talk directly about what hurts you — one unpleasant conversation will help to avoid the accumulation of negative emotions concerning your loved one.

That said, It is best to resolve issues not in social networks and messengers, but in person. Recent studies have shown that partners who usually discuss difficulties and solve problems in person are much happier than those who do it by texting.

The mutual symbiosis of two people is possible only when you allow the other person to know what is going on inside you. Learn to speak directly and openly with every person you meet along the way. Say what you think and do what you think is necessary — and let it become your credo in life.

5. Learn to Say Thank You

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A harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is impossible without the ability to give and receive. Gratitude is a mysterious currency that costs nothing to the giver, but many are ready to move mountains for it. Try not to take for granted everything the other person does for you — thank them for the effort! There is no better motivation for caring and grand gestures than sincere gratitude.

6. Will Everything Be Fine? Everything Is Fine!

Smile and be optimistic about life, no matter how trite it may sound! According to recent research, smiling people get divorced much less often than gloomy ones. Of course, this does not mean that you need to put on a fake smile and force yourself to almost rejoice in problems for the sake of another person and a harmonious relationship. Just keep track of your thoughts and in any situation think about whether there is a way to treat it differently.

7. Surprises And Presents Are Among the Main Love Languages

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Previously, you made each other happy, made surprises more often and more willingly than now, right? You wanted to please your chosen one, to show by this that they are important and valuable to you. So what is currently standing in your way and hindering this? You do not have the time? Inspiration? Are you tired? An investment that will pay off a hundredfold is to make your relationship with your loved one a source of inspiration and energy.

Bring adventure and romance to your life, avoid boredom. According to recent researches, boredom increases the emotional distance between people and creates feelings of dissatisfaction with relationships.

Sometimes, to revive the old romance, it is enough to look at old pictures, bring up old memories, or go on a date in a special place for you. Also, joint outdoor recreation brings people together perfectly: just the two of you, the endless sky, the warmth of a fire, and hugs.

8. I Don’t Need Anything in Return

Perhaps the most difficult item on the list. Unconditional love is the highest manifestation of love, but most people do not understand the meaning of the concept itself. In society, relationships between a man and a woman are built according to the capitalist principle, for we are all children of our era. “You — to me, I — to you”, unspoken barters, purchase, and sale of packaging of personal properties: appearance, character, and relationship.

Erich Fromm, in his book The Art of Loving, notes that deeply harmonious relationships begin with the ability to love. All modern culture is based on consumerism, and two people fall in love as a feeling that they have found the most desirable and high-quality product on the market, which they can afford, taking into account their “exchange fund”.

If you can learn to give a person freedom, love them regardless of the circumstances, support, be sincere and trust them — this is the secret of a harmonious relationship, but this is a lifelong journey.