Working at heights is inevitable at times but it can be a big challenge. In addition to overcoming fear, it’s necessary to provide all security measures. This is why a so-called cherry picker, an industrial machine, was produced. A strong hydraulic system enables the vertical movement of the machine, making it simpler to reach great heights. The flexibility of its application is huge – starting from picking fruit, which was the original purpose of this machine, to hanging New Year’s decorations on trees or certain repairs on top of the house. Also, cherry picker is an ideal solution for work in different environments, so it can be used both in open and closed spaces, as well as in spaces for various purposes. In any case – a very efficient piece of equipment with unlimited possibilities.
Some people opt to buy cherry pickers, while others prefer to hire one. Before making such a decision, it would be good to consider some questions such as: ‘How often will I need it?’, ‘Am I financially capable of bearing the cost of repairs?’, ‘Will I be able to maintain it adequately?’, ‘Can I handle it properly?’. To get some help in finding out the answers to these questions, take a look at the following benefits of hiring – they might make it easier for you to make a final decision.
1. Hiring flexibility

If you’re unsure whether to buy or rent a cherry picker, you should consider one of its basic benefits – the flexibility of hiring. This is the moment when you need to ask yourself how often you plan to use it, or more specifically, whether your needs for work at height are constant. The practice has shown that in most cases such cases are rare – therefore, it would be best to hire a picker according to current needs.
That way, you can rent it for the whole day, for half a day, or a few days, depending on the amount of work that needs to be done. After that, simply return it to the service provider and you no longer have any obligations about it!
2. No repair bills
Once you decide to buy this piece of equipment, you must keep in mind that it requires regular maintenance. This further implies all those repairs that come as a consequence of unforeseen breakdowns. Such repairs require the expertise of engineers and experienced craftsmen who understand the anatomy of such machines.
In the case of occasional rentals, you won’t have to think about repairs – service providers take care of regular servicing so that you can get quality equipment on demand at any time. This way you’ll avoid all those high repair bills and simply pay the rental price when you need it as your only expense.
3. The risk of incidents is reduced

Working at heights is a challenge precisely because of the danger of incidents that may occur. Due to unprofessional climbing or work on high unfenced terrain, the lives of workers are put at risk. We’re witnessing various accidents that happen every day in this way and we can often read about them in the newspapers. To avoid such accidents, all safety measures need to be taken and that’s another reason why the cherry picker is one of the best.
When renting this machine, you can consult with service providers who have more experience than you. You can ask them to explain to you how it works, how it can be conducted properly, and what you should or shouldn’t do with it. On this website, you can get an expert recommendation for the right work platform that suits your needs, and with the right instructions, you’ll definitely reduce the risk of unwanted injuries that can sometimes be fatal.
4. Great for low usage
If your tasks don’t require daily or too frequent use of equipment for work at height, giving a large amount of money for that is pointless. One of the main advantages of renting is that it’s adapted to occasional and low use. You can easily rent a machine when you get to the stage where you can do nothing standing on the ground.
We aren’t talking about those situations in which you will easily complete the task using ladders here, but about those extremely high places you need to reach. Just contact your service provider and they’ll solve all your problems.
5. Smaller costs

A cherry picker can be a very pricey piece of equipment that’ll require more investment than you are used to. Many people will therefore try to manage and improvise and turn to ads to find a used machine that suits them, thus reducing the cost of purchase. Remember that second-hand goods carry the risk of late detection of malfunctions or improper operation due to overuse. Of course, the owner will rarely report this to you when selling the gear. Repairs will cost you extra cash and you’ll eventually realize that you have spent much more money than if you simply rented the equipment you need.
With the rental service, you’ll always get the machine in excellent condition, as it must go through a regular servicing process. This eliminates additional maintenance costs so you don’t have to think about repairs – just stay focused on completing your tasks.
6. It saves time
A little more time is something that everyone needs and that’s why we mustn’t allow ourselves to waste it. Given the size of the machine, it’s clear that it can’t be stored in your yard like your car or a simple lawnmower. In case of purchase, you’ll need a large garage or warehouse that will most likely be far from your house. This further implies transport before and after each use, and – you’ll agree – that’s too much time wasted unnecessarily.
To avoid constant self-directed transport that’ll require an adequate means of transportation, simply leave everything in the hands of professionals. All providers of these services are equipped with appropriate vehicles and will be happy to offer you transportation to your location. This will save you the time you need to do other important things.
7. Different models for different purposes

There are several models of cherry pickers, and each one of them is adapted to different purposes and needs. And, while some are made to be used indoors, others have all the necessary characteristics that qualify it for outdoor use. Depending on your requirements, you must decide on one of them when buying, and once you decide, you get single-use equipment.
This isn’t the case with renting – you’ll find more models in places where you can ask for such services. You’ll get the opportunity to talk to experts who can suggest the best model depending on the situation. This way, you’ll be able to change your choice even in the case of slightly different requests from the usual ones!