Hiring a good foreclosure defense attorney is one of the most important steps you can take in making sure you keep your home. Know that if you are facing foreclosure it is not the worst thing that can happen to you, and you always have options. No matter if you need help with your loan, if you want to avoid a deficiency judgment, or if you suspect you’ve been wronged by the lender, the right legal representative can help you out through the process. However, not all attorneys are as good as they say to be, and in some cases, you may be tricked by the lawyer. In this article, we are going to talk about some of the signs you have hired a bad foreclosure defense attorney, and we will give you some tips on what you should expect from the legal advisor.
1. No transparency and bad communication

When you choose your foreclosure defense attorney you need to have constant communication with them. They need to be transparent with every single part of your case. Know that they should be able to inform you and explain about the things that are going on, things that should be expected, best-case scenario, and the worst ones. If you have poor communication and if you can’t seem to reach them when you need them, chances are, you’ve chosen a bad legal advisor.
2. No plans
No matter what the case is, your lawyer needs to have several plans in place. They need to walk you through their plans, and the steps that are going to be taken. Know that foreclosure cases can be extremely complex, and they need to be organized.
If you notice that your legal advisor is all over the place, if they don’t know what to do next, and if they don’t have an answer when you ask them what the next step is, chances are, they are not the right representative for you.
3. Constant conflicts

We all know that the attorneys know better, but in some cases, they should listen to us, to our questions, concerns, and act the way we want them to. If you don’t want to settle, or if you want to avoid going to court, your representative should advise you what the best course of action is, but they should never pressure you into doing something.
It is said that conflicts are normal, especially in these cases, and you may not always agree on things, but if you are feeling pressured into doing one thing or another, maybe you should look for another attorney.
4. No results
The foreclosure cases may take months, even years, but you need to be able to see some progress and some results. If you feel like you are in the same place, even months after starting the case, you need to reconsider your choice.
Some of these cases are time-sensitive, and you need to be your attorney’s priority. We all know that most legal advisors handle several cases at the same time, but if you feel like you don’t get the needed attention, or the expected results, you’ve probably chosen a bad attorney.
5. No empathy

When someone is risking losing their homes, this can be extremely stressful. Our lawyers are taught to approach their cases with as few feelings as possible because when you add emotions to the case, you will not act with your brain. However, this does not mean that they should be without empathy and that they should dismiss your feelings.
According to the Friscia law office, the right legal advisor should be able to understand your feelings, should help you go through the stress, and do everything they can to help you out. Know that you should not base your decision on how empathic your legal advisor is, but you should also choose a person who is able to understand you are scared about your future.
6. Lack of experience
When you are looking for a foreclosure attorney, you need to look for one with the needed experience. It does not mean that if your lawyer is just starting that they are going to lose the case, but they need to know what they are dealing with.
If you see that they don’t know what they are talking about, if they have never won a settlement, and if they have never presented a case in front of a judge, this may be a bad sign. Look for people with the needed skills, knowledge, and experience.
7. Empty promises

Collaborating with someone who makes you feel better about the case is always good for your current mental health, but collaborating with someone who promises things that cannot be done is going to cost you a lot in the long run.
We all want to hear the truth, and we want to know what is the worst-case scenario. Find an attorney that will be transparent with you, and who knows how to prepare you even for the worst news. If you only hear good news, chances are, they are either not experienced enough, or they don’t care about your case enough to look at all the sides.
8. Constantly changing team
In most law firms, there are several people in one team that handle different cases. If you notice that the team around your lead representative is changing, chances are, there is something bad that’s going on. The people working with us need to know everything about our cases, and they need to be up to date with everything that’s going on.
If the team is constantly changing, chances are, the consultants don’t have enough time to learn all the details, and they won’t work in your best interest. Look for people with strong teams that are going to be with you until the end.
These are some of the warning signs that will show you you have not chosen the right representative for you. They should have interest in your case, and they should have the needed time for you. Know that if you’ve noticed any of these signs, all is not lost. You can easily look for a new lawyer, and you can change them in any part of your case. This is your future we are talking about, so if you are not happy with the legal representative, don’t wait and change them as soon as possible.