Proxy servers are popular now, along with the VPN use. And it can be easily explained by the situation in the modern world: everything goes through the Internet. Any information: news, figures, and other things — is sent, received, and analyzed through various channels. It is great if you are confident about the reliability of a channel you use. But what to do if the source is not well-known to you? That is where the services that secure your data come in handy. So what exactly the proxy servers are, and why is the page worth paying attention to?
How to define a proxy?

In a broader sense, a proxy is a person who represents another person in some situation. Initially, it touched upon voting procedure. But in the contemporary age, this noun is used more often to name the technology that allows for representing users to the hosts they visit. The full notion is a proxy server.
As it is logical to assume, these servers act as mediators between the devices of users and the web servers that receive their requests. This mediation can provide a better connection, privacy, security, and control. Everything depends on the services proxy providers offer, and what their customers sign for.
Principle of work
To describe how proxy servers function, we need to introduce the notion of request. It has two meanings here:
- The first describes what information a user searched for. To not confuse the terms, we will use the term “search query” to describe it.
- The second means the pieces of information that a user sends to a host when entering the search query and visiting a web page. They include IP address, search query, and network info. Using the term “request” we will mean this data later in the text.
To make a proxy server work, the user should set the desired functions. After all the settings were made, the process has the following stages:
- A user sends the request – at this stage, nothing happens with it, and the route to a proxy server is not protected.
- A proxy gets this request – the transformations begin here. Depending on selected functions, a proxy can deny access to the host, allow it but change nothing in a request, hide or change the IP and encrypt the data flow happening on the page. If access was not denied, the request comes further.
- A web host receives the request by a proxy. It is not the initial one at least, because a proxy server interacts with a host on your behalf. A web host identifies if it is a proxy sending a request, but it is not able to define if the information was changed somehow.
The back route happens the same, through a proxy server. So even if a host sent some malware to steal or intercept the data, it could not break the encryption. However, the service quality depends on the particular provider you choose.

People distinguish several types of proxies depending on the purpose of use and the level of protection. There exist four types:
- Transparent proxy – no data encryption, no IP changes. Used to control and monitor online activity, the most often for children and employees.
- Anonymous – hides IP, can include data encryption. Is possible to use it for getting rid of location-based ads, but does not give a 100% guarantee.
- Distorting servers – change your IP once and then use it to represent your device. Does not change anymore if you do not change it manually.
- High-anonymity proxies – change IP addresses from time to time to not let the web servers track and analyze your activity.
The services can provide you with any kind of proxy described above. You just choose the plan you need according to your requirements and budget and set everything from the application – right from the dashboard.
Benefits of use
Using proxies has certain benefits, particularly in business. Using a proxy server for private purposes, you secure your data from being stolen, sold, or used against you. With this, you should not worry about someone learning about your online activities and aiming to harm you.
Using proxy servers for business, you can take advantage of:
- Collecting data safely and anonymously – you eliminate the risks of being detected, blocked, or banned down to zero. It can serve you well while you are investigating: the market trends, SEO issues, competitors’ offers, pricing, etc.
- Checking how your websites and ads work – with the proxy services, you have a chance to look at how everything works from the outside. How do people from various regions see your advertising? If they can visit your web page with no hassle? Etc.
- Looking for dishonest people trying to falsify your brand and benefit from your efforts.
These are general benefits arising from the basic functionality of the proxies. But when you use the services, you find your own pros and cons.
The other thing to appreciate is that the servers acting as mediators enhance the speed of the connection. The services suggest many people use the servers. If the backend hardware is of high quality, the more users use the server the better. When many people (ten, fifty, hundred, etc.) request to the same host, a proxy does not send the equivalent amount of requests on their behalf – it just sends one. It unloads the channel significantly which improves the network performance.
Taking advantage of proxies

Working with the this service, the first thing you can be calm about — is your security. A reliable service is highly rated on Trustpilot and strongly appreciated by the loyal customers. You can manage desired functions with an application, simple to get to know and use. But of course, nothing can prove the point better than your personal experience.
Proxies are a popular tool for various purposes. And careful consideration of the aspects of its work can help you improve your business. Visit the page and learn more about plans and opportunities this provider offers.