Thinking about how to write a great story, young authors often face many challenges. These start from imposed judgments about your personal style or lack of organizing skills. Thanks to extended online sources, writers of any level can empower their creativity and reliance on individual stories.
In our article, we want to share with you ten writing tips every great writer should know. We hope they will help you progress in any genre and enrich your story with unforgettable moments. However, if you feel like writing isn’t for you or you don’t have enough time for all your homework, contact the professionals from BestCustomWriting to make sure your original papers are completed when you need them most.
1. Borrow wisely.

It is not a secret that young writers start by learning from the best in their field. This is why many of Tolkien’s or Joann Rowling’s fans like to write their fantasies. When you don’t have your favorite author and want to write a book, essay, or poem, discover someone who’s already done this in the best way.
Getting some advice from a proficient writer is also an essential part of becoming a better version of the author you could be. For example, you can understand how to write better from watching Stephen King, Alexa Donne, and other famous authors’ video advice.
2. Pay attention to your language issues.
Sooner or later, you will define some inconsistency in your writing due to difficulties implementing language on paper. Indeed, you can’t write the same way that you speak, so it is essential to improve your writing style. Enriching your vocabulary with special services such as OneLook Thesaurus or GraphWords will help you learn more words and better operate their meanings to empower your story.
3. Implement a writing habit.
Daily practice is still recommended by the masters of words! If you set a daily word goal and stick to it, you’ll see the improvement in weeks, months, and even years. This is seemingly simple, but it is one of the most complex challenges every writer from SmartWritingService, for example, could ever have. For example, you can start by practicing on such a service as 750 Words, where you can write whatever you like in the length of 750 words. This works just like a writing exercise. Though it may not be enough words for a larger project, you can always create a subject or a prompt for your big idea.
4. Find your readers.

Having a sense of the audience is one of the most important skills every great writer should have. There are no chances for your compositions to be read if you don’t show them to someone. Joining writing forums such as Mibba or Critique Circle lets you share your works and read others to compare styles. These communities are also beneficial for having new friends with bigger writing experience. Here you will learn to receive constructive criticism and give your personal feedback without hurting the author.
It is essential to share your viewpoint with others tolerantly. For example, when a student writes their essay, they usually look for a transparent review before sending work to the teacher. It saves the essay from rejections and lets the author understand better their readers’ interests.
5. Join writing activities.
Participation in challenges or contests will make you more confident in your writing. First of all, joining writing activities will give you a larger understanding of your flaws and strengths during the writing process. It is known that most online training programs for writers have their own community. Consequently, why not use this great possibility to contact other writers like you? This is a great way to stop judging yourself by comparing yourself with others. By sharing personal works and getting honest feedback, you can imagine how you should progress.
One of the most prevalent communities for writing a novel in 30 days is NaNoWriMo. Here you can not only write the first draft of 50k words but also join local groups to discuss other authors’ works.
6. Explain simply.
Avoiding overloaded passages will make you one of the favored writers for your readers. Being clear and concise is not as difficult as it seems. Try to explain the story in your own words without unnecessary definitions. Surely, it is good to use new words to make text stronger and increase its value. Still, if you are not sure about using some word, phrase, or expression, work it out on the editing stage.
Being laconic makes you different and more talented among other writers, even if their literary compositions are extended and well worked out. Many teachers dedicate long hours to show their students how to write a brief without losing the main point. Unfortunately, some people haven’t been taught in school how to explain their thoughts concisely. Check this to find out the reasons for such bias. We hope you don’t have such problems in school, but it could be one aspect to work on and become a better writer in no time.
7. Don’t chase popularity.

Trying to be published fast could obstruct your path to public recognition. Naturally, every writer wants their composition to be read, but some of them try to copy someone’s style inappropriately. If in the first point of this recommendations list we mentioned how your favorite author could inspire you for better writing, here we want to warn you not to start off on the wrong foot.
Don’t try to copy someone in the popularity race. Unfortunately, it will only spoil readers’ first perception of you as a writer. Before letting your heart burn with the passion for being famous and rich, it is better to follow writing guides on publishing the first book if all preceding steps, such as writing and editing, are done.
8. Revise, proofread, repeat.
Although it is a popular slogan among experienced writers, young authors often forget it at the beginning of their careers. Writing an essay, blog post, story, or novel is not enough to use just online proofreading tools like Grammarly, Ginger, or Hemingway. At this stage of creating your unique product, you need to do an independent revising process that includes editing and proofreading. Also, you can do it after checking up on all issues with your peers.
9. Feel the time.
Organizing your time is crucial for a writer; otherwise, you will not finish your composition even in a hundred years. To manage your time wisely, spread your writing activity into three logical parts: research, writing, editing, and publishing. Get the help of such useful apps as Study Bunny, Smarter Time, or My Daily Planner for efficient planning and better focusing during the writing process.
10. Use your favorite tools.

Don’t let anything stop your creativity while writing! It doesn’t matter in which way you want to write: on a laptop, phone, journal, or typewriter. You will create a tremendous story. You can also use any software to write: some like such classic tools as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, and others choose Scrivener or Evernote for its modern approach.
To learn more about Google Docs, check
Becoming a Great Writer
Having all these tips as aces up your sleeve, you can manage your writing easily. Now you can see that the status of “Great Writer” is nothing more than a set of routine actions. Therefore all you need to be is a hard worker and in love with your own story!