An important day and pimples? It’s definitely the worst combination you can take. But it is not the end of the world! We will reveal to you the secret of how to get rid of those very quickly. Here are our 5 tips on how to cure acne as soon as possible.
Acne And What Causes Them
There are many factors that can cause us acne problems. The essence is pretty much the same – it is excess of sebum, various bacteria – as well as dead cells that are clogging the pores. Then, we face an inflammatory process visible on the skin surface – usually in the form of pimples or blackheads. Excess of sebum is most often the result of hormone work (during adolescence) – while in adults it is most often the result of an unbalanced diet, inadequate care – and sometimes some diseases.
Acne Removal

The process of removing acne that persists and recurs – is not so simple and requires a lifestyle change. This specifically includes antibiotic treatment or hormone therapy.
However, such changes and methods of treatment don’t bring results overnight. And what if you need just that: A quick fix? What if tomorrow you have an important day, a meeting, a wedding, a photoshoot – or anything that requires you to look your best? How to get rid of pimples that have already formed – or at least reduce their visibility and inflammation? Well, we’ll tell you more about that in the text below.
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Very Quickly?
Although it is impossible to have a perfect and smooth face in one day, what you can do when you notice pimples – is to try to reduce their visibility, and alleviate the inflammation. That way, you will make them recede. You will also find some simple methods very helpful – and some will surely surprise you. Although we will give you some of the suggestions – keep this in mind: When trying to find the perfect way to get rid of pimples – the last thing you need to do is overdo it and use more treatments at once.
1. Application Of Sandalwood Oil
When we talk about quick acne solutions – sandalwood oil is recommended as the most effective. Sandalwood essential oil is extremely useful in treating pimples and other skin imperfections. It acts as an antiseptic, astringent, and locks moisture in the skin. Sandalwood oil is remembered for its woody, sweet scent. It is often used as a base in the production of air fresheners, perfumes, aftershave lotions, and similar products. It mixes easily with other oils.
The main active substances are alpha-santalol and beta-santalol. These molecules are responsible for the incredible scent of sandalwood – but they are also recognized for their numerous benefits for our health. Sandalwood oil softens, cleanses, and firms our skin. Due to its astringent effect, it is suitable for after shaving – but also for closed pores. It kills germs that cause acne and removes dark spots from the skin. It soothes inflamed areas on the skin even after insect bites. Add a few drops of this oil to your face lotion. That way, you will enrich it to help you remove pimples and for anti-age care.
2. Retinoid Based Preparations
Retinoids first appeared on the market in the late ’70s as a product intended for the treatment of acne. They were later used to treat psoriasis, warts, pores, sun-induced skin imperfections – and finally, they were used in anti-aging programs. They are usually used in the form of retinol and retinoic acid. Retinol and retinoic acid are found in many skin products and cosmetics such as Okdermo Skincare – which solve dermatological problems or fight the visible signs of aging. However, we must make a clear distinction between retinol and retinoic acid. They differ in the strength of their action on the skin. Namely, retinol is milder in action, but it also takes a little longer to notice the desired results – while retinoic acid is stronger, and eliminates dermatological problems much faster.
3. Magnesium Milk

Magnesium milk is a solution of magnesium chloride in water, but it looks like milk – hence the name. It effectively removes excess sebum and dries acne – so it can be a quick way to get rid of them. This treatment should not be used often because it dries the skin. It is good for such emergency interventions. Another purpose is as an antiperspirant because it effectively removes unpleasant odors, and has no negative effect on the skin – so to speak, it is completely safe for part of the axillary region.
4. Zinc Ointment

Zinc ointment is in the composition of many creams – so you can use some of them for those purposes. It serves to dry out the acne and reduce inflammation. As we mentioned, you can also use a cream that contains a lot of zinc in it. These are mostly baby creams. However, this doesn’t mean that you should use them on the whole surface of your face. You only need to apply them to the target area – so the swelling from the acne could subside.
It’s also a good idea to consider using zinc ointment for cold sores as part of your first aid kit. Zinc ointment is an effective treatment for cold sores, which can be painful and difficult to ignore when out in the wild. It helps provide relief from the burning and itching sensation associated with the condition. The anti-inflammatory properties of zinc help reduce redness and swelling, while its antimicrobial action helps reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, because it’s applied directly to the infected area, zinc ointment is less likely to suffer any contamination than other treatments that need to be taken orally or injected.
5. The Laser Therapy

The laser method in treating skin problems has long been used in all branches of medicine and cosmetology – and it is proved to be very successful. The effect of laser light on the skin is very beneficial – primarily because it reduces the inflammation processes and stimulates skin regeneration. These lights directly affect the removal of bacteria and microorganisms under our skin. Whether you have acne or not – your skin will get a nicer complexion, and healthy shine – without visible pimples and blemishes.
The Speed Of Acne Treatment
This will greatly depend on the condition of your body – as well as the correct diagnosis. You need to know why acne has appeared on your face. If the problem is hormonal, you can treat your acne on the outside, but without much success – because the problem on the inside will continue to push them to the surface. If the problem is the wrong care, you just need to change the routine, and the results will be seen very quickly.