If you are a cat owner or a cat lover you probably have a routine and you know what your cat can eat by now, right? Feeding your cat with all kinds of food can be harmful in the long run. Although we all tend to give our furry pals something under the table every here and there, we should get rid of this bad habit, and only focus on giving them the best nutrients and foods that are easily digestible, as well as safe! In fact, if you want your cat to stay healthy and happy, try to avoid these top 7 harmful foods at all times!
7 harmful foods you should avoid giving to your cat
1. Can cat eat chocolate?

Did you know that chocolate can be lethal for cats? Cats will not eat it nor rush to the chocolate on their own since it can’t grab their attention as easily. However, if they do end up finding a piece on the floor, or getting it as a treat, know that they will face a toxic agent called theobromine. The most dangerous and no-no chocolate is dark chocolate, and you can get even more info on this topic right here! Do not feed your cat chocolate since it can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and in some cases – death.
2. Can cats eat onions or garlic?
Red blood cells can lead to anemia, which is why your cat should skip eating onions, garlic, scallions, as well as shallots. If your cat ends up eating these foods in a larger quality, it can be bad for them and their stomach. Stay away from concentrated forms of onion or garlic that you can find in some soups or powders. Cats will show weakness if they over-eat and you overfeed them with these ingredients. Also, they can have issues with lethargy, they will show reduced appetite, pale gums, and they might end with orange-red urine. If this happens take them to the vet.
3. Can I feed my cat raw eggs, meat, or bones?

Consumption of way too many eggs and raw eggs can lead to salmonella in both humans and cats. Symptoms, in this case, can vary, but some cats will experience lethargy and diarrhea, along with vomiting. You could also feed your cat raw meat or some leftover bones, but they are linked to E. coli, which can also be transmitted to humans. Make sure that you wash your hands carefully, and only choose the best foods for your cats that are not raw.
4. Can I give my cat a bit of alcohol and raw dough?
Alcoholic beverages or food items that have any amount of alcohol in them can be dangerous for your furry pal. Consumption of these heavy liquours can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, as well as some issues with breathing.
Aside from alcohol, try to keep your cat away from raw dough since their stomachs can’t process it. The raw dough will cause an expansion in their stomach, and you should take your cat to the vet to get this sorted out.
5. Can I feed my cat milk and dairy products?

We all tend to give our cats milk, and this is a common human error. Did you know that cats have trouble digesting the lactose in milk? Because of this issue, they can end up with an upset stomach, or even diarrhea. Most cats do not have the best digestive system that can handle milk beverages, and this can lead to lactose. This can vary from cat to cat, but it is always better not to risk it.
6. Are grapes and raisins okay?
Even a small amount of these two foods can be harmful to your cat. In fact, your cat could experience rapid kidney failure. Raisins and grapes are hard to digest, and sometimes cats will end up vomiting for 12 hours! If your cat is constantly vomiting and it has hyperactivity, just know that these are early signs of kidney failure. Although so small and practical to have around, raisins and grapes can be bad in the long-run.
7. Can I give my cat dog food?

Dog food is not toxic, but it is not the best go-to choice either. Your cat needs different vitamins and minerals on a daily, such as vitamin A, protein, as well as taurine. Dog foods, on the other hand, have much lower levels of these nutrients. This is because dogs do not need loads of protein nor vitamins to function. Also, did you know that cats can develop heart disease, vision, and dental issues if they lack taurine? Rather feed your pets separately, and use proper foods for both of them.
What rules to remember and go by?
Aside from these seven food items that you should avoid at all times, make sure that you also give your cat a balanced and healthy diet every day! Think beforehand and ahead, and plan their meals. Also, just remember these four crucial rules:
1. Always store their foods out of their reach. Install some practical cat-proof cabinet is necessary.
2. Don’t let your cat come near you while you’re in the kitchen cooking.
3. Don’t give your cat any table scraps and avoid this poor (yet common habit).
4. Choose foods that are specifically made for cats and kittens, and are highly rated, as well as easily accessible in stores or even online.
Ready to spoil your cat with proper food items?
Since now you know what food items and ingredients are forbidden, are you ready to give your cat only premium and high-quality food? Spoil your furry pal every here and there, but just stay away from these seven foods & beverages, and remember to shop at trustworthy places, and by authorized sellers. Be sure to check here for an updated list of cat food recalls. Do not feed your cat occasionally under the table, and stay away from bad treats that can do more harm than good in the long-run.